Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Barbados - Monday June 2

Monday June 2 – Day of departure
Shitty night’s sleep and woke up at 7:30 to catch some more rays and snorkin before our 2:45pm flight.  We avoided sunscreen that morning and I got a little burnt.  Quick lunch at the hotel restaurant and then the $50 US drive back to the airport.  Finished my book on the flight to Miami.  There were tons of people in matching Christian t-shirts on the flight – they were returning from a mission trip to Honduras.  Also, a few Eagle scouts on the flight as well.  I figured we wouldn’t crash because of all the Christians that undoubtedly prayed for a safe return home, but if we did, the eagle scouts would save us.   Back in Nashville at 11:45 pm.   Dad picked us up.  We were happy to see Helen, Schminkey and Baltimore but sad to be home.
A few observations:
-Despite the drug dealer on the beach, we felt relatively safe there. 
-Food was expensive
-Sad we didn’t see monkeys
-We love snorkin
-Me & Rollum are good travel companions.  We don’t get on each other’s nerves and we like to be around each other.  Good qualities to have in a spouse.
-Despite the above statements, Rollum gets really annoyed when I take pictures. 
-Life of Pi was a really good book, and I should really read more (instead of playing my Nintendo game boy)
-I love vacations and the fact that you don’t have to worry about anything. 
-Lots of British people there.  We hardly encountered other Americans.  A little British boy was running around singing “Hit me baby one more time” and later exclaimed, “My trousers are wet!”  
-Rum is sickeningly sweet and I don’t think I like it very much. 
-I love plantain chips, but I hate bananas.  Do plantains taste like bananas?  Never had a real plantain.  
-More pictures on flickr if you care to look (if you become a "contact" of mine on flickr, you'll have access to more shots.  ooh, enticing!)    


Unknown said...

Sounds like you had fun. I'm really looking forward to our Mexican honeymoon in November.

My favorite part of your post is the part about the christians & the eagle scouts on your plane. Hilarious!

Acorn + Archer said...

glad you enjoyed your trip and all that snorkin'. now i'm off to check out those exciting flickr photos! haha